Dr. Oslan Jumadi au LBCM
Dr. Oslan JUMADI invited to the LBCMDr. Oslan JUMADI invited to the LBCM
As part of the NUSANTARA 2019 call for tender, LBCM is successful in accessing funding for a PHC with the Universitats Negeri Makassar research Lab (Indonesia).
The projet deals with the development of a sustainable liquid biostimulant extracted from Indonesia seaweeds to improve soil quality and crop production (corn).
It aims to:
- Develop sustainable liquid biostimulants extracted from Indonesian seaweeds, by selecting two marine species (Eucheuma and Sargassum) in collaboration with seaweeds producers and the Indonesian Seaweed Association
- Improve soil quality, food production and corn (Zea mays) yields in a trial field supervised by the Cereal Crops Research Institute (Allepolea, Lau, Maros District, South Sulawesi).
First Mission in France
LBCM welcomes Dr. Oslan JUMADI for 3 months thanks to the financial support of the French Embassy in Yakarta.
Dr. O. JUMADI is lecturer at Universitas Negeri Makassar since 1997 and being appointed as professor of Biology Universitas Negeri Makassar, since 2016. His bachelor's degree (Biology) from Hasanuddin University and was graduated from Chiba University, Japan (2003-2009, Master (M.Phil) and Doctoral (Ph.D) degrees). His expertise on understanding responsible organisms in the nitrogen and carbon cycles in soil systems, particularly how to reduce the emission of greenhouses gases from agriculture sector using nitrification inhibitor, organic fertilizer amendments and water management approaches. He has conducting several researches and involved collaboration with University of Bretagne Sud France, University of the West of England UK, Utah State University USA, Chiba University Japan, and Indonesian Cereals Research Institute. His research works has been published internationally (https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?hl=en&pli=1&user=mpFpDIMAAAAJ) and 1 patent about preparation of fertilizer granular mixture nitrification inhibitor and zeolite. Presently, He is also has management duty as assembly secretary of professor and head of library center of Universitas Negeri Makassar
After collect of seaweeds at 40 km South of Makassar in Indonesia, we prepare the production of active compounds in LBCM in France.