Key figures

    • Our innovation ecosystems

      'Sea & coast'
      This ecosystem serves to extend the 2019 launch of the 'Institut citoyen d’études maritimes & littorales' ('Citizens' Institute of Maritime and Coastal Studies'), also known as '

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    • Environment, health and handicap

      Digital technology is shaking up the field of health. Thanks to big data management, medicine is becoming more personalised, predictive and preventative. The notion of 'patient' will become obsolete; tomorrow's medicine will take action even before a person falls ill. At the same time, biotechnologies have become a reality; new functional foods, drugs and treatments are being developed and are already used to treat many conditions. They also help bring health and quality along the entire food chain, even including waste treatment.

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    • Industry of the future

      Lying at the core of the fourth industrial revolution, industry 4.0 or industry of the future encompasses the scientific and technological aspects of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, automated processes, logistics and industrial cybersecurity.

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    • Cyber and data intelligence

      Digital transformation is defined as the process of integrating digital technologies across an organisation's entire ecosystem.

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    • Sea & coasts

      This ecosystem aims to: coordinate scientific and pedagogical actions; enhance nationwide and international visibility of activities dedicated to maritime issues; better respond to requests from users and partners; and forge more bonds with companies.

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    • Excellence Awards


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    • Erasmus +

      UBS holds an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education for the 2014-2020 period.

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    • FLE

      FLE is the Label of Excellence in Français Langue Etrangère (FLE) which means French for French as a foreign language, or French for non-native speakers.
      UBS was awarded the FLE quality label which recognises...

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    • HRS4R Label

      The European Commission's "HR Excellence in Research" label recognizes institutions that have signed the "European Charter for Researchers" and the "Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers". The latter contribute to their attractiveness to researchers from all over the world and are a prerequisite for obtaining research funding from the European Union.

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Experience Université Bretagne Sud

UBS is ideally located on the coast of Brittany and benefits from a campus in three locations: Lorient, Vannes and Pontivy, the heart of Southern Brittany.