International partnerships
International partnerships Outward-looking attractive research. Determinedly outward-looking, UBS supports collaborative work between its research laboratories and foreign universities.
Collaborative research
All the research laboratories at UBS enter into international collaborative research projects. Through its researchers, Université Bretagne Sud is involved in nearly 250 collaborative projects in 55 countries, half of them in Europe, almost 19% in Asia, 16% in North America, 10% in Africa, 4% in South America and 2% in Oceania. The University is most interested in the quality of collaborative projects leading to co-publications, co-supervision of theses and/or participation in joint projects.
Reception of foreign researchers and doctoral students
The reception of international researchers (lecturer-researchers, researchers, doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows) constitutes a major component of the University of South Brittany’s strategy of international openness.
UBS supports international research activities through the International Researchers Office of its research & partnership department: organised hosting for foreign scientists, mobility encouraged with the introduction of systems adapted for PhD students.